Travel advice & practical information for travelogue:
'Touring Armenia'
Useful addresses
Embassy of Armenia
2225 R Street, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Tel.: 202 319 1976
Fax: 202 319 2982
Web site: Armenian Embassy in Washington
Embassy of Armenia
25A Cheniston Gardens
London W8 6TG
Tel: 020 7938 5435
Fax: 020 7938 2595
Web site: Armenian Embassy in London
Armenian Embassy
9 Rue Viete
75017 Paris
Tel.: 01 4212 9800
Fax: 01 4212 9803
You need a visa for Armenia.
If you know which places you are going to visit, you can find out online if and where there are ATM's that you can use with MasterCard and Cirrus or Visa
Safety and security
Traveling in some countries or regions can be dangerous. That isn't always a reason not to go there, but part of preparing well for a trip includes finding out about possible risks.
The CIA World Factbook: Armenia is a good source. As is the US Foreign Department site. Of course you always should consult your own country's Foreign Department web site.
Find current information on the web site of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Armenia. Always consult your family doctor and your country's Health Department web site.
Plan your trip to Armenia online
Through online reservation systems like À la Carte Vacations you can book airline tickets, hotels, rental cars and holiday houses. You can build a fly-drive itinerary with maximum flexibility, book a flight plus a hotel hotel for a night or weekend. Without the limitations of package deals from travel organisations and most times for a much better price.
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