Travel advice & practical information for travelogue:
'From Götenborg to Riksgränsen'
Useful addresses
New York
Consulate General of Sweden
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
885 Second Avenue, 45th floor
New York, NY 10017-2201
Phone: (212) 583-2550
Phone: (212) 583-2569
Fax: (212) 755-2732
Visiting hours: Monday-Tuesday, 9 am-12 pm
Wednesday, 2 pm-4 pm
Thursday-Friday, 9 am-12 pm
Embassy of Sweden
11 Montagu Place
London W1H 2AL
United Kingdom
Phone: 020-7917 6400
Fax: 020-7724 4174
Ambassade de Suède
17, rue Barbet-de-Jouy
75007 Paris
Tél: +33-(0)1 44 18 88 00
Fax: +33-(0)1 44 18 88 40
Sweden's National Parks
Småland's tourism in Jönköping
Gästrikland tourism in Gävle
Middle Sweden tourism in Härnösand
Västerbotten tourism in Umeå
Norrbotten, Lappland in Luleå
Kiruna Lappland tourist office
Climate and Best Time to Travel
The summer season in Lapland is from mid-June to mid-September. The winter season in Lapland is from February to mid-April.
Water-rich Sweden teems with musquitos. In pharmacies in Sweden you can get excellent products to protect yourself against musquito bites or products you can use after you've been bitten, like "After Bite" with 3,5 percent ammonia.
In Sweden you'll find ATMs virtually everywhere.
If you know in advance which places you're going to visit, you can find out online if and where there are ATM's where you can use your MasterCard and Cirrus or Visa to withdraw money.
Norway is great for camping, but because the weather isn't always good, you may want to consider staying in cabins part or all of your vacation. You can rent those everywhere, or book in advance. Camping sites usually have a few simple cabins in which you can stay when it rains. In that case you'll have to check in early.
Plan your trip to Sweden online
Through online reservation systems like À la Carte Vacations you can book airline tickets, hotels, rental cars and holiday houses. You can build a fly-drive itinerary with maximum flexibility, book a flight plus a hotel hotel for a night or weekend. Without the limitations of package deals from travel organisations and most times for a much better price.
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